How to become a Governor

Being part of the Summerfield governing body is a rewarding experience. We see the results of our participation in the school reflected in the achievements of the pupils. As a governor you are a member of a team that works collectively for the good of the school.

You do not need teaching experience or any special skills to become a governor, but it is valuable to bring any skills and talents from other areas of your life. You will also develop skills to be an effective governor and attend regular training.

The most important qualities for being a governor are: enthusiasm, commitment, an interest in education, being willing to question, analyse and learn. Most governors are now co-opted (become a governor by invitation).

If you decide you would like to be a governor, do let us know of your interest and we will keep your details and get in touch with you next time a vacancy arises. You can leave your contact details in the school office, or speak to one of the governors if you recognise them from their photo.

Governing Board meetings take place each half term.


We look for potential parent governors who have experience or an interest in safeguarding, well-being across the school, race relations/equality and inclusions as governor specific roles.

Below is the process which has to be undertaken in order to fill a vacancy. 

If you are considering applying for a role you may find it useful to meet with either the Executive Headteacher, Ian Fraser or the chair of governors, Donna Bellhouse to discuss the role.  Please contact Jo de Fraine our School Business Manager to arrange a phone call or meeting on 01908 662585.

Parents who are nominated for election must be proposed and seconded in writing, with nominations being signed by the proposer and seconder.  A parent may nominate her/himself, as long as s/he has a seconder.  The person nominated must also state in writing that s/he is willing to stand for election.

The election is for a period of 3 years and those eligible to stand must be parents or carers of pupils who are currently at this school.  The proposer and seconder must also have a child currently in attendance at the school.  A parent whose child leaves the school during his/her term of office may continue as a parent governor for the full period, if s/he so wishes.

Nominations should be sent to Ian Fraser within ten school days of applications opening.  If there are only 2 parents nominated, they will be elected unopposed but if there are more candidates for the vacancies, a ballot will be held.  If this is necessary, a further letter about the arrangements will be sent to you, but you will be expected to submit a statement explaining how you could contribute effectively to the work of the governing board.

All parents whose child/children attend this school will be entitled to vote in the ballot and voting will be on the basis of one vote per parent/carer per place available. Before the ballot takes place, we may arrange a meeting when parents will have the opportunity to meet the candidates who have been nominated for election.  We will also circulate information from the candidates to all parents prior to the meeting

If it proves impossible to fill all the vacancies, the governing board has the right to appoint governors in order to fill the required number of parent governor places on the governing board.
Parents may be interested in the overall constitution of the governing board and this is as follows:

  • 1 LA governor nominated by Milton Keynes Council

  • 3 parent governors, elected by parents/carers

  • 1 staff governor elected by staff at the school

  • 1 headteacher

  • 4 co-opted governors appointed by the governing board

A person will be disqualified from election or appointment as a parent governor if s/he is:

  • An elected member of the LA;

  • Paid to work at the school for more than 500 hours in a school year

There are a number of other circumstances in which an individual is disqualified from being a governor, which include having been barred from working with children and vulnerable adults, bankruptcy and criminal conviction. Should you require further information on disqualification clauses, please contact Sara Butler, Governor Service Manager on 01908 253497.

