Trips and Visits

Ross-On-Wye Residential

Wednesday 16th October

The children have arrived safely, have eaten lunch and are now outside exploring.

Thursday 17th October

Children are all up and have had a good breakfast after varying amounts of sleep!

We're off on our 4 hour hike this morning with blue skies!

We have been learning all about the importance of our rivers and triangulation points!

after the spectacular views on the hill, its back for lunch...


this afternoon the children have been busy den building...

Friday 18th October

The children have had their breakfast and are now packing bags and emptying rooms before our final activities. 


We have gone on a Nature Walk...











We are now having a final lunch and a wonderful certificate presentation.


We aim to leave at 1pm. Please check your weduc emails for the time of arrival back to school, as this may change due to traffic etc.


