P/C Responsibilities

We hope that you find the information on this website useful. If you do feel that information is missing, please contact the school office.

Parents’ / Carer’s Responsibilities

We ask that you read the list below - a list that is taken from our Positive Behaviour Policy -  to help us to give your child the best possible support in school:

  • Ensure that your child attends school regularly and arrives in good time;

  • Be aware of school rules and procedures, and encourage your child to abide by them;

  • Show interest in your child’s classwork and homework, where possible, provide suitable facilities for studying at home;

  • Act as positive role models for your child in their relationship with the school;

  • Attend planned meetings with teachers and support school functions;

  • Provide the school with all the necessary background information about your child, including telling the school promptly about any concerns you may have about school, or any significant change in your child’s medical needs or home circumstances.


Please be reminded that the School day finishes at 3:15pm and children need to be collected promptly. 
Any children not collected by 3:30pm will be sent to Jolly Junglers Care Club and charged £22. (This includes a session fee of £12 and an additional admin fee of £10).


For all GP/Dentist appointments please can these be taken after the school day or during half-term breaks. This is to minimise disruption to the other children in class.
